Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A new love

Ever since I scored some cross country skis at a consignment shop, it's all I want to do, XC ski! Over this last weekend I was lucky enough to enjoy a three day weekend, and I skied all three days. On Monday I skied until my legs wouldn't ski anymore. This new love has made me begin researching XC skiing, and I'm hoping to get a nicer pair of skis by next season. It's only January, so I should probably start a penny jar now.

Since I've been doing this every weekend, I don't get so sore from it anymore. The first weekend that I skied I was so sore that it hurt to put on pants. Putting on pants is an essential part of life, and this activity shouldn't be so painful. I'm glad I'm past that-- until next season after a summer off from skiing.

The one wee bit negative side of my new love, is that it's interfering with my other love; running. Last Tuesday I did a 5 mile run on the dreadmill, it was harder to get through and my pace was slower. My finish time was a lousy 53 minutes!

For this, I'm thinking I may have to try a speed training program. I don't need to be an 8 minute mile champion, but I would love to feel comfortable at a 9 minute mile. Ah, such high hopes....

For now, I'm going to continue on with my love for skiing. Let's face it, I live in Wisconsin. Running just isn't as great in the winter (in my opinion, I do see a lot of troopers running outside in the cold). The treadmill is a good alternative, but it doesn't feel as invigorating as it does outside. I'll ski on for the time being.


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