Monday, January 25, 2010


A common piece of advice that is given when talking about working out is to do something that you will enjoy. If you despise running, try the elliptical. If you get bored on the elliptical take a kickboxing class. If you hate crunches, there are zillions of yoga/pilates moves to choose from. I could go on, but you get the point.

Doing something you enjoy will leave you feeling pumped, and less likely to skip that next workout. Who knows, you could even be looking forward to your next calorie blasting session.

I think that when it comes to strength training, many people tend to get stuck on the same moves. I'm constantly seeking new strength training moves. Anything that makes my muscles go WEEEEEEEeeeeeeEEeeee!!! I'd like to share a move with you that makes my muscles scream (a joyous scream of course).

............................drum roll please!

my favorite strength training move

It's called the hi-lo-chop. You start from a squat position with a medicine ball held on your right side. Slowly raise your body to a standing position along with your arms overhead to your left side. What makes this move my favorite is that it targets your butt, abs, and arms, all in one move!

I have many other favorites that I want to share with you as well. This just so happens to be the only photo I've taken for the blog. But this is something I'd like to continue to do on the blog, share my favorite moves. And I hope that you share yours with me!


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