Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hello 2010!! (and hello blogger!)

I created this account about a month ago, and couldn't think of a specific goal to blog about. So I put it off. I let the holidays glide by.

Now it's January 3rd, 2010.

With no specific goal (yet), I decided I better start my blog sans goal. If I don't start it, 2010 will be over, and I will be in the same rut next year.

Some potential goals I've toyed with:
- Run my first half marathon
- Actually start some sort of training program and get RIPPED...haha
- Up my weekly/monthly mileage of running
- Quit drinking so I can lose that jiggle in my belly

Or maybe something completely different will come to me. Either way, I'm starting a blog today!

So now might be a good time to introduce myself. I'm a regular 28 year old working girl that enjoys being active and soaks up everything health/fitness related. At one point I wanted to go to college to become a personal trainer or nutritionist, but then I realized I'm terrible at math and science. So now I'm a gym rat.

I work out as often as possible. Running outside is my favorite, but I do live in Wisconsin where it gets dark at 5PM, cold, and icy. During the winter I spend a lot of time at the gym, running on the treadmill, climbing the elliptical or stair stepper, using the bike, lifting weights, doing squats, lots of ab work, etc, etc...

With as much as I work out you'd think I was ripped like Jillian Michaels. But...I am a social being. I eat Hors D'Oeuvres and drink cocktails. I am happily living a healthy social life at a healthy weight. I do not need to lose more than 10 pounds, and do not plan to attempt to.

What I could do for myself is tone up. Though I do a lot of cardio, I do slack a bit on the strength training. Ever do 3 sets of squats? And then feel it for the next three days? I think if I were better in shape, the following 3 days wouldn't feel so painful. It would be nice to feel stronger.

This is why I'd like to call myself fit.


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