Sunday, January 31, 2010

My treadmill stopped me.

After my last blog post about me considering a half-marathon I had this grand idea to get on the treadmill and run. Run until I couldn't run anymore. I was just going to set it at a 10:40 pace, which is my comfortable pace, and see how long I could do that for without stopping.


My home treadmill stopped me. At 60 minutes it beeped and the words, "the end" scrolled on the screen. This left me a .20 mile shy of 6 miles total (math geeks, I ended up adjusting my pace throughout). So I gulped some water, and ran the remaining .20 mile to at least say I ran 6 miles.

This unkind act from the treadmill surprised me, and irritated me, so I did not think quick enough to just hit restart. I sort of have this mentality that once I stop it doesn't count anymore, if that makes any sense. Well, it probably shouldn't. If I have to stop due to technical difficulties and hit restart, it counts. Even if I have to stop to potty, or god forbid WALK for a minute, it still counts. And this is something I need to enforce with myself.

On a more positive note, I ran 6 miles!! Yay! That's a longer distance for me. So this is good! Training programs suggest to increase your mileage by 10% each week, meaning next Sunday I should go for 6.6 miles. If I do this at the gym, I know the treadmill there will go for 90 minutes. If I end up doing it at home again I'll be more prepared to hit that restart button.

If I keep this up, I just might be on my way to a half-marathon!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Goals. Hmph.

So I was reading a blog by a gal named Mish, ( and it reminded me that I currently have no goals.

The last time I set a goal for myself was in March of 2009. I was spectating the St. Patrick's day race, which had a 5k and a 10k. I was happily snapping pics (which by the way is my other hobby; photography), and I couldn't help but notice how much fun everyone was having. I thought out loud to my husband, "How can they be laughing after running 5 miles?". He just gave me that husband shrug that acknowledges that I just talked, but he has no input. I sat on the curb and thought, "I could do this".

And my goal blossomed. I wanted to run in my first race. Once I got home I Googled local races. Most of the results were for 5k races. Well, at this point in time running 3 miles was my regular workout. It really wasn't a challenge for me. So I kept searching, and searching...and trying to glaze over the Crazy Legs Classic which is an 8k (5mile) run.

Again I went to my husband for input, "Could I run 5 miles?" He said, "Well yeah". Gee thanks husband. Way to cheer me on. I argued with myself all night, and finally registered myself online for the race.

crazy legs
a photo I took to root myself on :)

I trained for 2 months, ran in cold, hard rain, and finished in 48 minutes. Not bad for a first race, eh?

Since then I've just been maintaining my ability to run that distance. Sometimes I get the bright idea that I should increase my speed. Another time I thought I could train for a half marathon. Unfortunately, I made my own training program which went like this:
week 1: 5 miles
week 2: 6 miles
week 3: 7 miles
week 4: I quit. (By the way, this happened in the heat of the summer, so forgive me).
That was a dumb training program. I really should have Googled a half marathon training program and did it properly. it a sign? Should I Google that now? Could it be? A goal to run a half marathon? We shall see.

(If you haven't noticed yet, I don't commit easily).

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The scales can lie: hidden fat -- Wall Street Journal article

Today, like every other day at work, I was sorting the mail. One piece of mail that comes everyday is the Wall Street Journal, which goes to my boss. On the front page I noticed a snippet of an article titled The Scales Can Lie: Hidden Fat. Of course it sparked my interest and I took that section with me on my lunch break.

The article has some interesting and alarming ideas about ideal body weight & body fat. In fact, I think it convinced me that I need to get a body fat test ASAP.

Can you be a "normal" weight and be fat at the same time? According to researchers at the Mayo Clinic; yes. They have named this concept 'normal weight obesity'. Yikes!! Considering that over one third of Americans are already obese, imagine going to the doc and being labeled normal weight obese. Unfortunately, Mayo Clinic Researchers estimate that 30 million Americans fall under this category. Yuck.

Researchers from the Mayo Clinic describe normal weight obesity as a person whose body behaves like one that's obese, but is not obese. The measurement is done by BMI.

Let's take a look at a BMI chart:

BMI in my opinion is not a good measure of "normal" weight because it's an estimate of your body fat. It's calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meters. In some cases, a BMI test will not accurately describe a person's fitness level and body fat. There are lots of people who exercise regularly, are considered fit, yet have a BMI over 25. Researchers of Mayo clinic have acknowledged this in their research.

So what do the researchers recommend? They advise people who may fall under the normal weight obesity category to include weight training as a part of your regular workout routine. This will help increase the percentage of lean muscle mass at the expense of body fat. Also the obvious is advised; a healthy diet

Though this information is alarming, the researchers stated that they don't recommend everybody running out to get a body fat test. The article is meant to be a wake-up call.

Well, I certainly have been woken from my sweet dreams!
What do you think?

you can read the full article here:

Monday, January 25, 2010


A common piece of advice that is given when talking about working out is to do something that you will enjoy. If you despise running, try the elliptical. If you get bored on the elliptical take a kickboxing class. If you hate crunches, there are zillions of yoga/pilates moves to choose from. I could go on, but you get the point.

Doing something you enjoy will leave you feeling pumped, and less likely to skip that next workout. Who knows, you could even be looking forward to your next calorie blasting session.

I think that when it comes to strength training, many people tend to get stuck on the same moves. I'm constantly seeking new strength training moves. Anything that makes my muscles go WEEEEEEEeeeeeeEEeeee!!! I'd like to share a move with you that makes my muscles scream (a joyous scream of course).

............................drum roll please!

my favorite strength training move

It's called the hi-lo-chop. You start from a squat position with a medicine ball held on your right side. Slowly raise your body to a standing position along with your arms overhead to your left side. What makes this move my favorite is that it targets your butt, abs, and arms, all in one move!

I have many other favorites that I want to share with you as well. This just so happens to be the only photo I've taken for the blog. But this is something I'd like to continue to do on the blog, share my favorite moves. And I hope that you share yours with me!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


In my last blog i briefly mentioned that I had oral surgery on Thursday. The surgery was getting two regular bottom teeth taken out, reason being is that I just don't have enough room in my mouth for all my teeth and I am currently sporting braces. Go me.

Oral surgery can really mess up a person's diet and healthy eating. I've been living on soup, pudding, jell-o, ice cream, and french fries. The french fries are the closest thing to solids I've had since Wednesday. I'm antsy for the sockets to heal so I can get back to regular healthy foods, I actually MISS broccoli!!

While I haven't been able to eat well, I do feel like I've been doing great workout wise. The day after the surgery I did 5 miles on the treadmill. Saturday I spent 45 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes of core strength training. And this morning I did 30 minutes on the stair stepper, 30 minutes of strength training, squats that I'm sure to remember tomorrow, and 30 minutes on the exercise bike. I'm feeling good and strong, but hungry too.

While I've been on this downtime from the surgery, I took the opportunity to create a YouTube account and favorite some good workout videos. And I would love to share some of my favorites with you!

Medicine ball workouts:

Bosu ball workout:

I'm a huge fan of medicine ball and bosu ball workouts. I would strongly urge anyone out there that's tired of crunches to try some of those moves. Go ahead and try one, and I'd like to hear from you how it went!

Friday, January 22, 2010

My new love is on the rocks.

Just as I really started a new love for cross country skiing, we get a weird warm-front with rain for weather. Thanks Mother Nature. The skii trails will likely not be safe (though I'm yet to verify this assumption this weekend).

As I hinted in my last blog, I attempted some speed training this week. On Wednesday night I did 3 miles in intervals. I did a comfy 10 minute mile pace for a few minutes, then did a tough 8 minute mile pace for a few minutes, and switched back and forth between those two paces. I reached 3 miles in 29 minutes.

Then to test my speed training, this morning I hit the dreadmill at the gym for a 5 mile run. The first 3.5 miles of it I did a 10:20 minute mile pace, and the rest I altered between 10:00 minute mile pace to 8 minute mile pace. All in all, I ended the 5 miles at 50:20. Not terrible. But like I said, it would feel great to get that down to 45 minutes!

Oh, and I should mention, that on Thursday I had oral surgery and have not been able to enjoy a proper (and healthy) meal. So when I analyze what I've done with running this week, I really can't be too hard on myself, I had oral surgery for crying out loud! Two teeth less, and I'm still running, I'll go ahead and pat myself on the back.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A new love

Ever since I scored some cross country skis at a consignment shop, it's all I want to do, XC ski! Over this last weekend I was lucky enough to enjoy a three day weekend, and I skied all three days. On Monday I skied until my legs wouldn't ski anymore. This new love has made me begin researching XC skiing, and I'm hoping to get a nicer pair of skis by next season. It's only January, so I should probably start a penny jar now.

Since I've been doing this every weekend, I don't get so sore from it anymore. The first weekend that I skied I was so sore that it hurt to put on pants. Putting on pants is an essential part of life, and this activity shouldn't be so painful. I'm glad I'm past that-- until next season after a summer off from skiing.

The one wee bit negative side of my new love, is that it's interfering with my other love; running. Last Tuesday I did a 5 mile run on the dreadmill, it was harder to get through and my pace was slower. My finish time was a lousy 53 minutes!

For this, I'm thinking I may have to try a speed training program. I don't need to be an 8 minute mile champion, but I would love to feel comfortable at a 9 minute mile. Ah, such high hopes....

For now, I'm going to continue on with my love for skiing. Let's face it, I live in Wisconsin. Running just isn't as great in the winter (in my opinion, I do see a lot of troopers running outside in the cold). The treadmill is a good alternative, but it doesn't feel as invigorating as it does outside. I'll ski on for the time being.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Week 1 of 2010.

Not a bad start to the year. I ran 12 miles the first week. I like that.

Today I went for another round of cross country skiing with my husband. It's ridiculous how sore I already am! But what a great workout it was. And there's no better way to spend a Sunday on a cold Wisconsin Sunday... Well, I suppose some might argue that spending the afternoon in a bar drinking beer and watching the Packers would be more enjoyable (not me though!).

Though I did great with the exercise, I wasn't as good about what I consumed over the weekend. I had some cocktails, of course. And last night was my company's holiday dinner. Those are the type of situations where it's very hard to stick to healthy consumption. It's a challenge, but it is possible.

Tomorrow I will start the week off right, first by stretching right away in the morning. I know I'm going to need it after the skiing.

Monday, January 4, 2010

I came into this year very very sore.

So many people come into the new year with hopes, goals, resolutions to get in better shape. I'm not going to lie, I'm one of them.

I thought that going cross country skiing on New Years day would be a great first workout for the year. Well, it was a great first workout, but I'm still sore four days later! My legs are very unhappy with me.

I'm planning on doing a run on the treadmill tomorrow, and hoping to do at least four miles. But if my body says "no", I'll have to listen.

It's so hard to be motivated but too sore to do anything about it. Especially during this time of the year. Plus I think I get anxious if I don't workout. But every time I stand from sitting on a chair, my body reminds me that my muscles need a serious break.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hello 2010!! (and hello blogger!)

I created this account about a month ago, and couldn't think of a specific goal to blog about. So I put it off. I let the holidays glide by.

Now it's January 3rd, 2010.

With no specific goal (yet), I decided I better start my blog sans goal. If I don't start it, 2010 will be over, and I will be in the same rut next year.

Some potential goals I've toyed with:
- Run my first half marathon
- Actually start some sort of training program and get RIPPED...haha
- Up my weekly/monthly mileage of running
- Quit drinking so I can lose that jiggle in my belly

Or maybe something completely different will come to me. Either way, I'm starting a blog today!

So now might be a good time to introduce myself. I'm a regular 28 year old working girl that enjoys being active and soaks up everything health/fitness related. At one point I wanted to go to college to become a personal trainer or nutritionist, but then I realized I'm terrible at math and science. So now I'm a gym rat.

I work out as often as possible. Running outside is my favorite, but I do live in Wisconsin where it gets dark at 5PM, cold, and icy. During the winter I spend a lot of time at the gym, running on the treadmill, climbing the elliptical or stair stepper, using the bike, lifting weights, doing squats, lots of ab work, etc, etc...

With as much as I work out you'd think I was ripped like Jillian Michaels. But...I am a social being. I eat Hors D'Oeuvres and drink cocktails. I am happily living a healthy social life at a healthy weight. I do not need to lose more than 10 pounds, and do not plan to attempt to.

What I could do for myself is tone up. Though I do a lot of cardio, I do slack a bit on the strength training. Ever do 3 sets of squats? And then feel it for the next three days? I think if I were better in shape, the following 3 days wouldn't feel so painful. It would be nice to feel stronger.

This is why I'd like to call myself fit.