Instead, I'm tweeting. And blogging. And thinking of how to spend the rest of my evening. Really lame, yes?
Well, I'm determined to run 7 miles tomorrow morning. I've got my route all mapped out thanks to The weather isn't being cooperative, but I think I'll still be able to manage. It's supposed to start snowing tonight, but so far the word is flurries, no more than an inch. That's do-able.
Oh! Today I started reading The Runner's Diet by Madelyn H. Fernstrom. It was given to me by my friend's husband who ran a half-marathon last fall. I thought it would be a good book to read to keep me motivated & determined to run my own half-marathon. So far not so much.
So far it really focuses on weight loss. Currently I'm at a healthy 144 lbs. and don't intend on losing weight, though I won't mind if I do lose a couple more pounds during my half-marathon training. I will keep reading, hopefully it will get better. One thing that sparked my interest was this statement:
It takes only 100 extra calories a day to gain 10 pounds in a year
Whoa!! That's a scary little fact, huh? Definitely one to write down and hang on the refrigerator. Or even slap it on the debit card so I see it before making a poor decision. The one neat thing is if you reverse the statement:
It takes only 100 LESS calories a day to lose 10 pounds in a year.
Now that's more inspiring!
With that, wish me luck on my run tomorrow!!
Hope you don't get too much snow - we are under a blizzard warning until tomorrow at 7pm. May get 2 feet and I'm not at all happy about it! Good luck with tomorrow's run!
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